Realterm Logistics has acquired a best-in-class 362,000 SF High Flow Through (HFT®) parcel delivery facilitylocated at 100 Pine Hill Dr., Boylston, MA. The highly functional, e-commerce backbone property includes 77 dock-high loading doors, significant excess parking on the 92-acre site and 32’ clear height. With immediate access toI-90 and I-495 interstates via I-290, the property is ideally located for parcel delivery and e-commerce final-mile services within the dense Boston suburbs, as well as efficient regional distribution.The facility is fully leased.
Final Mile Logistics Facility | 100 Pine Hill Drive | Boylston, MA from Realterm on Vimeo.

Price Booker
Senior Vice President, Business Development
Phone: 410.216.6133
Email: [email protected]